Sunday, September 23, 2012

They were playing this, whatever it was:-), for most of the day. Avery's role was to lie on the couch in the background. I love when they become so involved in play, and everyone is included!

Our favorite. "Cleaning" the kitchen door. We even tried using our feet. This is not very effective, but very fun:-)

We all love our babies!

Obstacle course

Tidying up.

Blocks and forts

Happy Birthday Avery! Yummy birthday treat and fun birthday play-doh fun!

We have been talking about school!

The wheels on the bus go round and round...(your child knows the rest, just ask them!)

My science show and tell: Ivory soap in the microwave

Very cool! It grows! Your kids would LOVE to try this at home. You need Ivory soap-use 1/4 of a bar because it expands quickly. I think we microwaved it for about 30 seconds. My microwave doesn't have a light, so if yours does, your child would love to see the soap "grow"! When it cools, they love to play with it. The texture is very interesting and unexpected.

My science show and tell: Absorption

The set up.
Exploring while we wait.
Ask your child what happened!