Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Welcome Baby Lincoln!

Having a bad day?

Feel better now?:-)

Miscellaneous fun

Planting a salad

Peace in a Pod wildlife. Robin's eggs, baby finches, and a frog who joined us for water play!


Watching Lexi, Jayda, and their grandma go for a spin

Water play! Good turn-taking practice

Happy second birthday, Jack!

Mother's Day project

Counting cars at the cul-de-sac garage sale

Monday, May 7, 2012

Entry light installation day. They were transfixed and the installer tolerated their many comments/suggestions with a smile:-). Lilly said, "He's talking to little kids!!"

Springtime footwear.

Miscellaneous fun!

The many faces of Baby Elin

The helper gets to help feed the baby!

Our last gymnastics class for the year. Jayda joined us:-). Thank you Coach Kelly!

You've seen the product, here's the process...

Book Club is back!

More Liam Birthday pix-his mommy made the cute duck cupcakes! Jack is up next!